This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) to set out the steps taken by the Protect Group, specifically our United Kingdom-based parent company, Event Protect Limited, to combat modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and its supply chain.

It is further produced to detail our activity to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within the Protect Group.

Organisation structure and business

We are a global technology services company and a provider of a range of B2B services (i.e., our refundable booking service “Refund Protect”). We further employ more than 100 employees worldwide.

Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy applies to all companies within the Protect Group. It reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships.

We aim to implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains or any part of our business.

Our business operates in the United Kingdom, Australia, North America, South America, South Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and South Korea.

Given the nature of our business, our board and management consider the risk of modern slavery in the business or within its supply chain to be low.

Due diligence and supply chains

We perform due diligence checks to apply appropriate internal controls concerning our distribution partners, vendors, and other partners. 

The risk assessment is based on the nature of our relationship with the partner. Due diligence is performed on an ongoing basis and includes a requirement to comply with all slavery and human trafficking legislation.

We further have a range of policies in place to help identify and mitigate risks in the business, including slavery and human trafficking, and to ensure appropriate behaviours throughout Protect Group.

These include:

  1. Group Supplier Management Policy
  2. Group Whistleblowing Policy
  3. Group Anti-Bribery Policy
  4. Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
  5. Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy


We provide training (including sensitivity training) to all employees to identify and mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking. 

Compliance checks

Our Legal and Compliance team reports to our Audit and Risk Committee on compliance with the policies and processes underlying this statement. 

The Audit and Risk Committee further oversees compliance with this statement as delegated by our board of directors.


This statement was approved by our board of directors and may be reviewed and/or updated from time to time, if necessary, to reflect our ongoing commitment to ensure that our business and supply chain are free from slavery and human trafficking.