Our mission

We aim to lead the industry with innovative protection and ancillary revenue services, delivering seamless, personalised interactions for partners and customers. Our commitment to sustainable growth involves continually refining technology and expanding services to meet evolving business needs, all while upholding the highest standards of service and support.

Key milestones

Founded in Leeds, UK
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October: Launched Event Protect for venue cancellations (product later retired).

Launched Refund Protect
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Founder James Hastie identified a need for consumer-friendly refund options to enhance customer satisfaction and generate revenue for event companies. Began global sales with a UK base.

Global expansion
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Offices opened in Canada, Brazil, Turkey, and Uruguay. Signed live entertainment giant TEG.

Diversification into new verticals

Supporting businesses in various pre-book markets. Office opened in Australia.

Launched Salary Protect
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Addressed the inadequacy of traditional SSP with innovative income protection solutions. Opened offices in India, Thailand, Uruguay and signed a deal with Fly Pelican in Australia.

USA expansion and new deals
USA office. Old style house

Opened our USA office and partnered with Flighthub, Travix, Visit Group, Haku, T20 ICC World Cup, and Super.com.

Introduced Dynamic Widget
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Offering personalised pricing and dynamic content through a seamless, AI-driven platform. Opened offices in Japan, Indonesia, South Africa and signed a deal with Ethiopian Airlines.

so far...
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Opened offices in Mexico and South Korea.

You’re in good company