The logo is how we identify the Protect Group brand. The stacked logo is the primary logo for the Protect Group and should be used wherever possible. The brandmark is used when the stacked logo cannon be used due to space limitations or scaling requirements. The horizontal logo is often used in the design footers and references the website URL.
It's important to keep clear space around the Protect Group logo. This ensures the logo is visually effective and maintains its integrity no matter the application. In this case, the clear space around the Protect Group logo is the same width as the clear space within the logotype. This makes it easier to adapt to various contexts and maintain aesthetic balance.
When using the Protect Group logos with the brand colours, its important to ensure there is a strong colour contrast. The below examples are approved colour combinations that ensures the logo variations are clearly legible. These should be the only combinations used in print and digital media.
The below example shows how the Protect Group should not be used. Do not stretch the logo, disassemble, use effects or multiple colours. It's important to always use the clear space around the logo no matter the placement and ensure only approved colours are used.
Britta는 B2B 성장 마케팅(B2B Growth Marketing) 및 콘텐츠 마케팅(Content Marketing)을 전문으로 하는 마케팅 매니저입니다.
그녀는 거의 15년간 마케팅 업계에서 경력을 쌓아왔으며, 케이프타운, 보스턴, 밴쿠버에 위치한 마케팅 및 개발 에이전시에서 다양한 경험을 쌓았습니다.
또한 부동산 산업(남아프리카의 코워킹 및 호주의 Airbnb 관리), 럭셔리 숙박, 와인 산업, FMCG, 글로벌 SaaS 비즈니스 등 다양한 산업에서도 활동해 왔습니다.
Protect Group의 마케팅을 강화하는 데 집중하지 않을 때는 케이프타운의 멋진 레스토랑을 탐방하거나, 정원 가꾸기, 복싱, 그리고 최고의 화이트 블렌드 와인을 찾는 일을 즐깁니다.